Double your impact for World Water Day
World Water Day is a moment to celebrate the precious resource of water and support communities around the world facing water scarcity. Help us make a life-changing difference for two communities in the Luangwa Valley region of Zambia
Donate through the end of March to double your impact. Through the generous support of the AJA Foundation, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $50,000. Help us reach our goal and drill 17 boreholes that will provide clean, safe water to seventeen communities in-need.

Impact of Clean Water
Clean, safe water is a linchpin issue. From healthcare to education for women, everything depends on it.
Learn More

Nutritious Food
Villages with water systems can keep livestock, grow produce for their consumption, and enhance the economy.

Safer Daily Life
People without access to a safely managed water supply are vulnerable to dangerous water-borne illnesses

Girls in School
Particularly for girls, the need to travel long distances to collect water each day can limit their freedom to pursue an education.

Healthy Active Kids
A reliable source of clean water frees up an enormous amount of time to pursue other goals and have more fun!